Inclusive and Safe Urban Mobility Strategy for Dhaka




FRED Engineering

Funding Istitution

FRED Engineering

The project

The major output that will be delivered for this consultancy is mainstreaming a human rights-based approach for the promotion of inclusive, safe urban transport in the ICM Dhaka North project. The overall objective is to gather knowledge and technical input for the achievement of the following HRIETF programme objectives:

  • Consolidate and expand the evidence base for a rights-based approach to design, build, operate, and maintain safe and accessible public transport infrastructure and services for all users, including women, children, and PWDs;
  • Build awareness, ownership, consensus, and capacity among key stakeholders on addressing mobility and safety concerns of the identified target groups in Dhaka; and
  • Identify, evaluate, operationalize, and demonstrate the rights-based approach in the ICM Project.

This will be achieved through the implementation of an audit of the ICM Dhaka North Corridor with a holistic approach, in which not only transport safety, but also user security (with special reference to gender issues) and accessibility (with special reference to PWDs) will be assessed. The audit will provide targeted recommendations for each ‘Community of Concern’ (CoC) and should outline future mobility trends.
The consulting team will develop a Policy Toolkit that will delineate courses of action to ensure safe access to mobility – and therefore the wider local economy – especially for women and minority genders, people with disabilities, the elderly, and children. This toolkit will be a collection of policy instruments, strategies, and tools that can be used by relevant organizations to address human rights and safety-specific issues. Finally, based on the audit findings and toolkit recommendations, the consultant should design and co-implement an output-driven capacity-building strategy and stakeholder engagement plan.

Our role

UNEEDIT is the Team leader of the project and is involved in all the main activities.