Design of an E-bike and E-scooter sharing system in Hue city




UNDP Vietnam

Funding Istitution

UNDP Vietnam

The project

The objectives of this assignment are to propose appropriate operation models for Hue city, including policy and institutional recommendations based on the review of international experiences in planning, establishing, and operating the bike, e‐bike and scooter sharing system to provide the evidence-based lessons learnt and assessment of existing e‐bike sharing pilots that are being implemented.

Our role

Review of international experiences and case studies on the application of bike, e-bike/ scooter sharing systems, including institutional arrangement.
Identification and analysis of trends, good practices, financial, regulatory, organization and legal context.
Assessment of facilities factors to establish partnerships with government and stakeholders.
Analysis of current legal and policy frameworks and technical standards to facilitate the development of e-bike and sharing systems.
Conduct an overall assessment of piloted bike-sharing activities in Hue city and other cities.